Gas Incident Response Do’s and Don’ts

Meter Valve SettingsFollow these important guidelines when responding to a natural gas leak, fire, or explosion. These guidelines are also available to download and print here.


  • Keep CPS Energy informed of any developments through your dispatcher.
  • Consult with CPS Energy representatives upon your arrival at the incident scene.
  • Evacuate per the DOT Emergency Response Guide.
  • Barricade or rope off the area, rerouting pedestrians and traffic if necessary.
  • If there is a strong gas odor and/or your monitoring equipment detects natural gas nearing or exceeding concentrations of 5% gas, evacuate buildings and bystanders. (When the volume of gas in air is at least 5%, a gas meter that reads a percentage of lower explosive limit [LEL] will read 100%.)
  • Instruct those in the area and building occupants not to turn any electric equipment on or off. This includes lights, appliances, motors, circuit breakers, and any battery-powered devices.
  • Check other buildings in the surrounding area for the presence of gas.
  • Call your dispatcher if the situation warrants a discontinuation of electric service to a building.


  • Don’t enter buildings unless gas concentrations are confirmed to be below 5% and you are wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) and positive pressure self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA).
  • Don’t try to extinguish burning gas.
  • Don’t operate any gas valves other than the aboveground shutoff valve before the service meter or appliance supply line shutoff valves.
  • Don’t open any gas valve that has been shut off.
  • Don’t park vehicles nearby or leave engines running if a street leak is suspected.
  • Don’t park in front of buildings where a gas leak is suspected.
  • Don’t park directly over manhole covers or near storm sewer grates.
  • Don’t ventilate a building without first coordinating with CPS Energy and verifying gas has been shut off and ignition sources have been eliminated.